York Region TTRPG Meetup 2024 Survey Please take a moment or two to answer these 5 questions about your experience with the York Region TTRPG Meetup. Your answers will be used to help me improve the meetup going forward. 1. What TTRPG genres do you like? Medieval-fantasy (e.g. Dungeons & Dragons) Modern/Near-future Futuristic/Sci-fi (e.g. Star Trek) Retro-futuristic (e.g. Steampunk) Dystopian Future (e.g. Cyberpunk, Shadowrun) Gothic Horror (e.g. Vampire: The Masquerade, Call of Cthulu) Post-apocalyptic Other (please comment below) 2. When sitting down to play a TTRPG adventure, what kind of "hook" intrigues you MOST? The adventure "hook" is the catalyst or event that draws your player-characters into the adventure at the beginning. Innocent people are in danger and I want to save them. A legendary item must be sought out and I want to find it. A dangerous monster (or other dire threat) looms and I want to defeat it. A mystery (such as a murder or a theft) has been presented and I want to solve it. Other (please comment below) None 3. What makes you decide to attend a York Region TTRPG Meetup event? (Choose all that apply.) I had fun at the last one. I want to learn how to play TTRPGs. I'm especially interested in the game system to be used at the event. I'm especially interested in the adventure genre to be played at the event. My friends will be there. I just love TTRPGs. Other (please comment below) 4. What makes you decide to NOT attend a York Region TTRPG Meetup event? (Choose all that apply.) I'm not available that day. It's too far away or I can't get there easily. I'm not interested in the game system to be used at the event. I don't know how to play the game system to be used at the event. I'm not interested in the adventure genre to be played at the event. I don't know anyone else who's going. The planned adventure will use "mods" or "homebrew" instead of official material. I don't like the venue. The RSVP fee is too high. Other (please comment below) 5. Your comments about the York Region TTRPG Meetup Please share your thoughts about your experience with the York Region TTRPG Meetup. These might include what you'd like to see more of or less of at the meetups, as well as comments about the venue, the adventures, the game master, the email newsletters, the website, and anything else that comes to mind. Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your answers. See you at the next meetup! Time's up